Wednesday, August 31, 2016

 Don’t let anything get in your way. Don’t let any obstacle stop you. Things will come and go in life and they will try to block your path. Even if they slow you down, don’t stop pushing forward. Don’t let it distract you from reaching your finish line. Dodge the bullets and keep running. Obstacles are not dead ends. When something is trying to create a dead end on your path, make a detour. Just don’t let yourself believe that you can give up and feel sorry for yourself when shit goes bad. That’s no excuse. Shit’s going to happen. You have to be prepared to fight any and every obstacle that comes your way if you really want to chase your dreams. 

When something bad does happen, stop and remind yourself that you can move past it. Think about everything you’ve struggled through in your life that you thought would be the end of you. Now look at yourself. You’re still here. In fact, you’re even stronger than you were then. You’ve taken some hits but you’re not on the ground. You’re not dead. You’ve still got the strength to win.

Just keep pushing yourself. You’d be absolutely amazed at how much you are really capable of if you would just push your limits and find out for yourself. Your body can handle so much more than you know. The only way to find out is to push yourself. Do more than you think you can. You can be so much more than you think you can be. Just don’t let anything get in your way.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Be Impressive.

Do something impressive.

Going out and getting drunk all of the time is not impressive.
Eating an entire pack of chips in one day is not impressive.
Being loud and obnoxious is not impressive.
Talking about how much you hate someone behind their back is not impressive.
Giving excuses as to why you can’t do something is not impressive.

  • Writing a blog is impressive.
  • Having self-control and taking care of yourself is impressive.
  • Being respectful and courteous to others is impressive.
  • Respectfully rejecting other people’s opinions and paying no mind to their comments is impressive.
  • Staying up till 2am in order to get something done is impressive.

Be impressive. Work hard and don’t take shit from nobody. Earn respect. Don’t demand respect until you earn it. If you’ve earned respect and are still not given it, walk away. Respect yourself. Don’t wait for someone to offer respect to you. Work your ass off and don’t settle for less than you deserve. Go out and get what you want. Always push yourself harder. Don’t get comfortable just getting by. Keep leveling up. Don’t stop growing. Go learn new things and meet new people and read more books. Go to new places and try new things. Keep an open mind. Earn the good life. 

Be impressive.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I'm so done with my own self-destruction.

I'm done filling my head with doubt and telling myself that I'm not good enough to do something, I don't deserve it, and I shouldn't even try.

I'm done destroying myself with my own mind. I'm done blowing things out of proportion and creating problems that don't even exist. I'm done holding myself back and wasting my time feeling like shit when I could be out doing things before my life ends.

I'm going to go out and get what I want. I'm going to fight for myself.

I'm going to live my life before I die.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Where There's A Will...

It's not about what you can do...

It's about what you will do.

You can go to school and get a nice job and put money in savings and go to the gym every day and be vegetarian.

But will you?

Where there's a will there's a way.

Being willing to do something, as opposed to wishing for it, is what makes all the difference.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you will.

You must be willing.

You must be willing to do what it takes in order to get what you wish for. You must look beyond the surface - know that you don't just simply decide to "live healthy" and bam. You're healthy.

To be healthy, you must be willing to get up early, plan your meals ahead of time, portion your meals, force yourself to eat foods you may not like, be picked on and stared at like you're eating some kind of foreign alien food, leave your comfortable bed to go workout, sweat, bleed, cry, and be exhausted.

Are you willing to do this?

If not, do you really want to be healthy?

No. You just want to indulge in the effects of being healthy - tons of energy, a clearer mind, a bangin' body - you don't actually want to be healthy. You don't want to do the things that cause the effects you claim to want.

If you tell yourself you want something, yet are not willing to put the time, money, blood sweat and tears into making it happen, you don't really want it.

If you're not willing to work for it, you really don't value it like you claim to.

And that, my dear friends, means you're full of it.

If you want to get anywhere in life - you MUST work.

No if and's or but's.

Work for it.