Monday, December 2, 2013

Everything We Say Is Fake

The things you say and write without the intention of showing someone else are your real thoughts.
If you're saying something to someone else, you're going to alter it in some way: change the words you use, change the tone, take out or add something; you're going to filter it in one way or another.

We're bullshitting people when we do this.
Our brains have been programmed to filter our words like that.

There are a few exceptions, and those are the people that we often label as "assholes" for being upfront and honest.

But really, we're the assholes for being fake and judging other people for actually being real.

We do it out of jealousy. We wish we were bold enough to say what we feel without the fear of being judged.

We're far too pretentious to admit it though.

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