Friday, January 24, 2014

The Human Race Has Become An Issue.

When I think about what the human race has done to the earth, and what we choose to use our time, words, and actions doing, I am disgusted.
Is this really what the purpose of human beings is? To be jealous and angry towards each other, judging EVERYONE, as we waste our time using the internet to whine about how much we “hate” ourselves and making jokes about how lonely and “useless” we are? staying up-to-date with the latest celebrity gossip and fashion trends, and making sure we have the newest updates on our smartphones, working a job in an office with stuck-up, power-hungry assholes and coming home to a nagging wife who’s cheating on you and screaming kids who just spilled chocolate pudding on the sofa.
We’re full of shit. We’re all so lazy and we don’t even fucking try. I grief for the current state of the human race.

How about we NOT be like this.

Let's strive for something bigger, let's be ourselves, let's stand up for the truth, let's carve our own paths, and work together to become a big, beautiful family on this planet we all call home.

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