Saturday, April 5, 2014

Time is Money

Our lives are ending one minute at a time...

This moment you're living right now? It's going to end.

Your time is not infinite,

every minute you live through will pass, and you'll never get it back. make it a good moment.

Make your moments ones filled with passion,

keep your mind at peace despite what the current circumstances may be.

Do something with each moment that will make future moments better, for you and for others. something, be someone.

Go chase your dreams, because they're not going to come chasing after you.

Go apply for that job you want even though you think you don't stand a chance.

Go ask him/her for their number, don't wait around for them to ask you.

Learn how to play that one instrument, write that one book you should've started months ago, learn that one HTML coding, that one foreign language.

Time is money.

Make use of this time you were given because it is valuable.

It's (beyond) time to stop wasting it because IT CANNOT BE REPLACED.

Go. The clock is ticking.

...The world won't slow down for you just because you can't keep up.

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