Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fucking Fairytale.

Stop expecting life to be a fucking fairytale.

Stop being lazy and full of bullshit excuses for everything you do.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself about the results you don't get from the work you don't do.

Stop expecting people to be exactly what you want them to be,
stop expecting situations to turn out how you want them to,
and stop getting so goddamn upset about everything that doesn't go your way. It's pitiful as fuck.

Life is not a fucking fairytale.

Things aren't going to be the way you want them to be.

People aren't going to be exactly who you want them to be.

Stop lying to yourself.

It's all in your head.


You become what you make yourself become.

Life is life is life is life.

Deal with it or shut the fuck up and quit bothering other people with your pathetic bullshit.

-note to self

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Life is good.

Did you read that?

Life is good.

Read it again.

Remember it.

Believe it.

Embrace this truth.

Work on changing the things in your life that you CAN change.

You do have some control in your life. Take it.

Stop complaining about your lack of skills if you don't devote time to perfecting them.

You're not good at drawing?

Of course you're not, you never draw.

You don't have a good job?

Of course you don't, you never applied to any.

Stop lying to yourself. No one believes your bullshit.

Go out and get what you want out of life.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Get Inspired

What is it about coffee shops that motivates me to write and draw?

Maybe I shouldn't question it.

I think it's all about the environment. Different environments inspire different people. 
The vibe I get from coffee shops are so comfortable and poetic. And that is the environment I am the most inspired by.
That along with parks, the beach, and basically anywhere between the hours of 12am-3am.

The peace and quiet makes it so much easier to listen to my own voice.

This makes me wonder what different kinds of environments inspire different types of people. And what determines whether we're inspired or not?

Seriously though, where ever it is for you, go find it. It's such a motivating feeling and it helps me push myself so much further. Search for it. Don't stop until you find it. You'll be doing yourself a huge favor.

Go get inspired to change the world with all you have to offer it.

Stop making excuses. It's not that hard.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Why Are Celebrities So "Perfect"?

All the people I see on the internet who say how depressed they are and how much they hate themselves always talk about how perfect all of these television stars and models are.

But am I the only one who's noticed that the only difference between these people and these celebrities is that the celebrities are being positive? 

You see them with smiles on their faces, laughing, being confident and sticking with their beliefs and standing up for things they think are important. 

But we worship them like they're some kind of higher form of human being when really, they're us, except for instead of feeling sorry for themselves and wanting to be someone else, they go out and be that person.

Your thoughts about how you're so ugly and stupid and hopelessly shy is all in your head. Get it out of your head and actually make an EFFORT to be these things you envy others for being.

If you don't go after these things no matter how hard it is, no matter how many times you fail, no matter how many weeks or months or years it takes, then I don't feel bad for you for not having them.

I don't feel sorry for you if you don't put in a no-excuses effort to achieve what you want to be in life.


Wanna know the only things in life that are impossible?

The things that you do not try to do.

You've got a world of knowledge right in front of your fingertips right this second.

You can literally search ANY topic you want to learn in a matter of seconds. 

What excuse could you possibly use now?

I don't wanna hear it. Go figure out how to do whatever it takes to get where you want to be.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Everything We Say Is Fake

The things you say and write without the intention of showing someone else are your real thoughts.
If you're saying something to someone else, you're going to alter it in some way: change the words you use, change the tone, take out or add something; you're going to filter it in one way or another.

We're bullshitting people when we do this.
Our brains have been programmed to filter our words like that.

There are a few exceptions, and those are the people that we often label as "assholes" for being upfront and honest.

But really, we're the assholes for being fake and judging other people for actually being real.

We do it out of jealousy. We wish we were bold enough to say what we feel without the fear of being judged.

We're far too pretentious to admit it though.